
All the posts in this topic are listed below, most recent first. Click the title to see the whole story.

Fascism and the far right in Europe: country by country guide

Full country by country guide to fascism and the far right in Europe – completely revised for 2019. Includes elections table

Tommy Robinson vs the media – and the ‘great replacement’ theory that links him to Christchurch

As “Tommy Robinson” released his Panodrama video in front of up to 4,000 supporters in Salford , he was expecting the ban from Facebook that followed two days later. The launch marked an escalation of Robinson’s assault on the media. This is a battle for which he has given the same theoretical justification – the idea of a “great replacement” – that was cited by the suspect in the Christchurch massacre

ANALYSIS – The street and the ballot box: Tommy Robinson and UKIP come together

A march of thousands led by “Tommy Robinson” and UKIP leader Gerard Batten marked the first outing of a new project for the far right in Britain – bringing together a racist street movement and what was once a traditional electoral party, UKIP. The move marks a new direction for the far right in Britain – but it has antecedents elsewhere…