Fascism and a Hungarian town: paramilitaries, vigilante border patrols and the man who would be Jobbik’s new leader
As I drove into the town the first sign that greets me reads, “Migrants NOT welcome here.” Further down the street there’s another sign: no mosques, no Muslims and no LGBT+ people here. Welcome to the town of Ásotthalom in southern Hungary.
Hungary’s racist referendum result – what does it mean?
The referendum question was simple, “Do you want the European Union to be entitled to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of parliament?”
Hungary’s far right government launches racist referendum on refugees
Hungary’s far right racist Fidesz government has launched a referendum on refugees, aiming to bolster its popularity by tapping anti-migrant racism. The move is one that will be watched – and potentially copied – by racist parties across Europe, many of whom are trying to build by stirring up hatred of refugees and other migrants.
Analysis: Jeremy Corbyn’s win, UKIP and polarisation
It’s September, but it feels more like a kind of spring.
Italy: fascists at heart of protests that have forced out refugees
Fascists are at the heart of protests against refugees in Italy that have already forced the evacuation of around 100 migrants from a town in the north of the country.
Hungary’s wall of shame
We are witnessing the sickening spectacle of a wall being erected in Hungary to stop refugees who are fleeing persecution from entering the country.