FRANCE: an election triumph for fascist Front National, despite failure to win a region
The BBC said the FN was “routed” in the election – but in reality it was no such thing: although it didn’t take a region, these elections have been a triumph for the fascist party.
FRANCE election liveblog: unprecedented gains for fascist FN amid shift to the right
Welcome to our election liveblog. The fascist Front National party is seeking to take control of département councils in the second round run-offs in France’s local elections.
FRANCE antifascist election liveblog: FN’s vote is up but fascists fail to take first place
Welcome to our election liveblog. The fascist Front National party is seeking to make gains and take control of département councils in Frnce’s local elections – the first round of voting is today. Results are now starting to come in.
Some dangers with the ‘Je suis Charlie’ movement
Four million people marched across France yesterday in the wake of the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a kosher supermarket that left 17 people dead. The Unity march was, according to some, the biggest demonstration since the Liberation of Paris in August 1944.
France: poll shows fascist Le Pen could beat Hollande to win presidency
Marine Le Pen, leader of the fascist Front National, would beat current president François Hollande if the French presidential elections were held tomorrow, a new poll has revealed.
Guest post from France: the need for a united fight against the fascists
At the end of May, the Front National results in the European elections sent a shockwave across France. Here we look at the causes of this disaster, and at what can be done.