Analysis: far right racist DFLA hits disaster in the age of Black Lives Matter
Saturday 13 June was disastrous for the far right. We look at how the racists’ Westminster demo – ostensibly to “defend” war memorials from Black Lives Matter protestors – went wrong, despite its size
ANALYSIS – The street and the ballot box: Tommy Robinson and UKIP come together
A march of thousands led by “Tommy Robinson” and UKIP leader Gerard Batten marked the first outing of a new project for the far right in Britain – bringing together a racist street movement and what was once a traditional electoral party, UKIP. The move marks a new direction for the far right in Britain – but it has antecedents elsewhere…
Analysis: the DFLA’s bad day – the internal dynamics and the wider far right
Last Saturday’s DFLA demo was a bad day for them and a good day for antifascists. We look here at the internal dynamics of the racist hooligans’ group and what Saturday’s events mean for the wider far right
Preview and analysis: far right racist DFLA march in London, 13 October
UPDATE 13 October 2018: For some live coverage of the day’s events see the Dream Deferred twitter page. We’ll have a full report, with pics and video, and a post-demo analysis on this site later.
Analysis: the ‘Free Tommy’ demo and a year of far right protests (with table and video)
Thousands turned out on Saturday 14 July for another “Free Tommy Robinson” demo – the latest in just over a year of far right racist street protests listed in our table. Now elements of the new far right movement see an opening amid the Tories’ Brexit crisis.
Analysis: behind the ‘Free Tommy’ demo – what’s going on in the new far right?
The far right in Britain has mobilised its biggest ever demonstration. Around 15,000 people joined the “Free Tommy Robinson” demo in Whitehall, central London on Saturday 9 June. We look here at what the march means in the context of the fast-developing new far right movement in Britain.