FRANCE: an election triumph for fascist Front National, despite failure to win a region
The BBC said the FN was “routed” in the election – but in reality it was no such thing: although it didn’t take a region, these elections have been a triumph for the fascist party.
Oldham West: shock for political establishment as Labour thumps UKIP
Even if UKIP didn’t win, Labour’s majority of some 14,000 would be slashed in a damning verdict on Corbyn, they claimed… right up until the result came through.
Italy: fascism on the rise as Lega Nord and Casa Pound join forces
A new fascist revival is brewing in Italy, 70 years after the demise of Mussolini. Italy’s racist and formerly separatist Lega Nord is transforming itself into a national party – and hardening its politics with a new and dangerous tie-up with the fascist Casa Pound Italia.
Analysis: the big change in this election is UKIP’s dangerous rise
There is a new political landscape in Britain and it is a very ugly one: David Cameron back in Downing Street with a majority government and, across the country, a livid purple racist scar.
BNP and other fascist candidates in the general election: full list
Racist populist party UKIP is the main danger when Britain goes to the polls on 7 May. But nobody should ignore that fact that fascists are also standing. Here is a list of fascist candidates from the BNP and other parties