HUNGARY far right racist Fidesz landslide, fascist Jobbik second – full antifascist liveblog
What the Hungarian election results mean – plus full coverage of the election from our antifascist liveblog
Tiszavasvári: anti-Roma racism in the so-called “capital of the Jobbik movement”
On the surface Tiszavasvári (pronounced Tee-sah-VAH-shvah-ree) looks like many small towns in eastern Hungary. A huge church and drab Soviet era town hall dominates its centre.
Fidesz, antisemitism and the reimagining of the Holocaust in Hungary
In the heart of Budapest, you will find Liberty Square. At the southern end of the square there is a crude stone and bronze monument – it commemorates the victims of the 1944 Nazi occupation of Hungary. But even the most cursory look at the monument should set alarm bells ringing.
Fascism and the far right in Europe: country by country guide and analysis
Europe is witnessing a dangerous revival of fascist and racist populist parties and organisations. Over the next few weeks we are going to publish a series of articles analysing the scale of this threat. This is part one.
The Holocaust and the Roma: historians deliver a final insult
I have just returned from a series of lectures on Holocaust archaeology. They were engaging and serious, but the discussion was ruined by a callous argument about the Roma victims of the Holocaust.
Jobbik: student support and the taxi front company
Arriving at Budapest’s Ferenc Liszt International Airport the other day I made my way to the pick-up zone.